Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Where To Get Eviction Assistance Los Angeles

By Christine Collins

There are times when can face a life situation that makes it difficult to pay rent. When such a situation happens, one should talk to the landlord and notify him or her of the situation. A landlord is required to give you a grace period which he or she can also extend further. If you still do not manage to get the rent amount within the grace period, you may be issued with an eviction notice. There are several places you can get eviction assistance Los Angeles to help you with the notice.

If you have a lease agreement, it may give you a grace period of 3 to 5 days after the rent due date. Your landlord may be willing to extend this date once you explain your situation. If this period lapses without having paid the rent, you should expect an eviction notice of 3 days, 30 to 60 or even 90 days depending on the lease document. However, in some places, the landlord has the legal right to offer you an immediate eviction with no notice, if a formal police report has been filed of illegal activity taking place in your house.

In Los Angeles, you can get eviction assistance from the Department of Public Social Services. This department is there to provide assistance to tenants being evicted whether wrongfully or with reason. Their aim is to provide services to prevent homelessness and even prevent eviction where possible. They can negotiate on behalf of the tenant to the landlord and stop the eviction.

The various options they can offer are usually dependent on how soon you approach them for assistance. It is best to seek their help immediately the landlord gives you the 3 days notice. This gives them time to analyze your situation and get the best way they can help you.

In order for you to qualify for this, you will need to prove you have the ability to pay back the amount in future. The assistance is only granted on that basis. You will also need to prove that you can take care of the future rent payments on your own. This is usually granted once.

If you are seeking their assistance for the first time, you qualify for a cash aid to help you settle urgent expenses. This is the second option you have if you are not able to show a source of income. The amount given may not be enough to clear the rent amount but it gives you relief at this trying time. You can use it to settle elsewhere. A rent subsidy is also another option that can be offered but only for a few months.

These options are available if you approach them in good time. However, if you are late and the options listed above cannot apply, you may have to wait until you get the eviction notice. This is when they will be able to offer you more assistance.

Other options that they offer are after you are issued with the eviction notice. They include homeless assistance for a period of thirty days. However, they may require you to meet certain qualifications for you to qualify for this. They can also offer you moving assistance to enable you to move to another house and honor the eviction notice.

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