Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Tips On How To Stop Foreclosure WA

By Elizabeth Thomas

When you fail to make your mortgage payments for several months, you will receive a notice of default. After the time allowance lapses before you make up for the missed payments, the bank will start initiating foreclosure proceedings. Fortunately, there are options for stopping the bank from repossessing the home. Read on to learn how to stop foreclosure WA.

When you take out a home loan, it is important you make prompt payments for the entire term of the mortgage. You should arrange your financial affairs to give priority to your mortgage payments. In addition to that, you should try to pay several months ahead. For instance, if you get a tax refund or bonus, you should use them to reduce your mortgage balance.

One of the best options for stopping the repossession is to refinance your mortgage. If you have significantly paid off your mortgage, you can refinance to increase the number of payments while reducing the value of each payment. This will make your monthly mortgage payments much more affordable. Be sure to refinance when interest rates are lowest to save money.

If you suffer long term disability or lose your job, servicing your mortgage will become next to impossible. In such a case, you should be proactive in dealing with your mortgage. For instance, you should consider selling the house quickly and settle your mortgage balance. You can then rent a smaller house or buy it with the equity you recover from the sale.

After receiving the notice of default from the bank, your options will become limited. For starters, you will not be able to recover your equity as you can only sell the house at a loss in what is commonly called a short sale. You must first seek the permission of the lender to sell the house. If approved, you will have to find a buyer to purchase the distressed property at a price that is less than the mortgage balance.

If you want to prevent the bank from repossessing your property, you should consider declaring bankruptcy. Once you have been declared bankrupt, all your debt obligations will be frozen until bankruptcy proceedings can be concluded. This will buy you more time to look for funds to pay off the mortgage balance.

Bankruptcy laws prohibit lenders from going after the borrower once they have been declared bankrupt, so you can continue to live in the house as you work out a payment plan to offset your balance. In case of a chapter 7, the property will be sold and the proceeds used to settle your debts. However, if you want to keep your home, you should consider filing a chapter 13.

It is always a good idea to consult the experts when faced with a problem. A real estate lawyer, bankruptcy lawyer or financial adviser can offer you the advice you need to avoid repossession. Be sure to look for the most competent professional to advise you when faced with this serious financial problem. The good news is that foreclosure can be stopped or avoided, so you should keep all your options open.

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