Wednesday, September 12, 2018

A Discussion Regarding Land Auction

By Robert Cox

Well, this is definitely a lot better than a different kind of auction we were thinking about. Not going to mention any events but we are going to reference some stories that have caught our eyes. Though they are not real, it is kind of weird why auctions are so famous in fanfictions. We will not try to question it. Much. But thinking about this topic had us thinking what people are smoking these days. Let us try to stick to this topic known as North Dakota Land Auction.

Now, we are not saying that that you are not allowed to post any of your stories on the internet. Everyone is welcome to share their creations, of course. If you have passion for it and you want to show the world, then go for it. Brag it off to the world and be proud.

Especially in fanfictions. Is this a kink of some sort? To bid off attractive humans for richer people to buy? Because every time we enter a very well favorited fanfiction, it sometimes is some form of human auctioning. It is kind of sickening to think that this what younger writers are into.

You never see normal auctions happening in a forum like that. The only time we see a normal one is in Uncharted 4 where they bid for priceless antiques. And even then it was an illegal event because everyone there was a criminal and what they were trying to buy were stolen goods.

At least we all have something to brag about to our children in the future. Will we be one of those annoying grandparents that talk about the old days all the time to children? We have not even reached out thirties yet and we are already gearing up to do it. Being an adult makes us all feel older.

Ever read a really famous Undertale fanfic? We advise not to if you still want to preserve your innocence. Maybe we should just stick to the horrid ones in human auctioning rather than this cute game. Why do people have to ruin good things in the world? Why the hell did their love manifest into something so vile.

You get the point. Going back to this whole auction business, we found one that is exactly just the cup of tea for some people. If the thousands and thousands of likes this one got is anything to go by. The story talks about a very attractive human boy being sold off to random rich people. Men and women alike.

Yes, whatever disgusting stuff you are thinking, it is exactly for that reason that they buy this poor boy. We could admit that the writing was flawless and beautiful, but that only made our stomach turn even more. How could something so beautiful be so gut wrenchingly vile?

Either way, that is neither here nor there. We will all die anyway. We try to educate our young ones to be a better version of our generation. To learn from our mess ups. We try but so far, all we see are children born in technology. Spoiled rotten to the core as things were made easy before they were even born.

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