Monday, May 5, 2014

Avoiding Bankruptcy And Foreclosure

By Evella Clifford

In some cases, filing for bankruptcy or losing your home to foreclosure are the only methods you have to clear debt and start rebuilding your finances. However, these are last-ditch efforts that severely impact your life. You could lose your house and many other belongings in order to clear away debt. There are, however, a few tips that can help you avoid either of these legal proceedings.

First, you really need to have a clear picture of your finances. This means you need to write down all of your monthly expenses. This includes mortgage payment, utility bills, food expenditures and every item you spend money on every month. You also need a list of debts that you have, which not only includes car and house debts, but credit card companies and even money you owe to your friends or family. Compare these expenditures to your total income, and also make a complete list of your possessions and their approximate value.

Once you have this list, begin thinking about what items you can cut. If you are about to foreclose or are so deep in debt that you are considering bankruptcy, it is time to make some tough choices. For instance, can you get by with just one family car? Are there other items you can sell to pay off debts, such as jewelry or perhaps a luxury item such as a boat or motorcycle? Eliminate your landline and rather than paying for an expensive cell phone, opt for the cheapest plan possible. Cancel the cable and any extra subscriptions you have, and eat at home, rather than opting for restaurants.

Your monthly house payment is often the biggest expense you have each month, and of course, when you don't pay this bill or pay it late, the penalties are quite severe. You might consider selling your home and renting a home elsewhere to save money and also to relieve you from the responsibility of a mortgage for awhile. Once you sell the home, you might even have a bit of extra cash that you can use to pay off other bills.

Of course, selling a home can take several months and you might not have time to wait for a traditional type of sale. In these situations, it might be wise to contact a real estate investment firm. This is a group of investors that buy homes quickly and then upgrade the home and resell it for a profit. Often, these investors can complete a home purchase in a matter of days, and if you are days from foreclosure or bankruptcy, this can be exactly the solution you need.

If you have a home in Virginia Beach and are having severe financial troubles, such as attempting to stop foreclosure in Virginia Beach, contact VA Home Investments. Not do they buy homes quickly, they do not charge you any fees or take a commission from the sale. You can sell your home fast and you can sell it to them in "as-is" condition, meaning you don't even have to make any expensive repairs. They purchase homes in all areas of Virginia Beach in any neighborhood and in any condition and price range.

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