Sunday, September 9, 2018

Advices About School Unique Fundraising Events

By Joyce Price

An academic institution s normal operations involve lecturing, conducting research in the laboratories, maintaining old buildings and equipment, buying new equipment and erecting new buildings and etcetera. All these require a lot of money. The students contribute by paying tuition fees, the state also contributes by giving the institution a set percentage of the operations costs. However, institutions cannot survive only with the money from these 2 sources, it needs more to run efficiently and to maintain top quality. So, most of the institutions carry out unique fundraising events to keep their operations running.

Three factors make fundraisers struggle with attaining and retaining donors. The first one is the use of big data by large companies like Amazon and other non-profit organizations, it allows them to create personalized marketing and also to find insights about their potential donors.

Hence, institutions have to adopt the use of data science, predictive modeling, statistics and etc. To build models which will help them identify people who are likely to donate money to their cause and individualize their marketing. Time and money should not be spent on marketing in the wrong direction.

Technology can really make raising awareness of how an individual alone can help improve their local academic institution through donating money. Messages and advertisements can be sent to chosen possible donors who have been identified to be likely to donate, or things like Facebook, Twitter, and Linked pages can be used to advertise to the public as a whole. The advantage of this is that they can easily be shared and very fast. One post is made and everyone in the world has a great chance of seeing it.

One big mistake some fundraisers make is to set a minimum amount they need from each donor. People don t want to be told how much they should spend, especially if they are giving away money while not expecting anything in return. A possible donor may change their mind if they find that they have to pay $500 while they were only willing to give $300.

To make people support you and donate money to help you achieve your goal, you should set your objectives clear to them. Tell them what you re planning to do with their money, make them see how they can benefit from this or how the world as a whole can benefit from your objectives.

One survey results revealed that people think when they donate to varsities, they are paying for students fees and that s why others are reluctant. But, if they know that that money may be used for researching a cure for cancer, they might understand that donating to university is just like donating to other charity organizations. In fact, it might produce a permanent solution for other charity organizations.

Thanks to technology, higher institutions can now conduct direct marketing to possible donors and send messages to millions of people.

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