Sunday, August 26, 2018

Reputable Bankruptcy Attorney Jackson Outlines The Types Of Debts That Cannot Be Discharged

By Walter Powell

If you are a borrower with insurmountable debts, it may be imperative for you to file for bankruptcy. This will give you the much needed relief from your money troubles and also instantly stop the nagging and harassment from creditors. One of the key benefits of being declared bankrupt is that there are numerous unsecured debts that can be discharged. If you want to find a dependable bankruptcy attorney Jackson is an excellent place to begin your research.

Usually, there are certain debts that can be discharged. This includes unsecured debts like medical bills or amounts overdue on your credit cards. On the down side, there are specific debts that simply have to be settled. This is irrespective of your current financial muscle or even the type of bankruptcy that you choose.

First, most unpaid taxes and custom duties must be settled. In case you have arrears that are more than three years old and they meet certain standards that are described by the bankruptcy laws, then perhaps you could be relieved of the obligation to pay them. Even so, the majorities of custom duty and tax arrears will not be discharged.

In addition, alimony and child support arrears will need to get cleared. If you went through divorce at some point and the family law courts ruled that you have to support your family with a certain amount, then not even the bankruptcy courts can contradict the ruling that was passed. You could however get to restructure your debts if you file under Chapter 13.

Additionally, being declared bankrupt will not set you off the loop as far as repaying your student loan is concerned. Such loans are categorically excluded in the bankruptcy codes. In case you are dealing with money issues that are terribly out of hand, then you could have your student loan eliminated if you can demonstrate that making payments would cause you devastating financial hardships.

Another type of debt that cannot be pardoned is that which is incurred after a lawsuit. This is always the case, especially if you incurred the debts following theft or fraud allegations. The courts will also not erase such debts if they occurred because of reckless actions such as paying personal injury compensation after being charged with DUI. The majorities of persons filing petitions are also well aware that secured debts have to be paid or the security placed against them will be legally repossessed by the lender.

It goes without saying that debts incurred in the name of another person cannot be discharged. This means that your bankruptcy petition will not take into account any dents that belong to your kids, spouse or anyone else. If the said persons wish to have specific debts discharged, then they must file their own petitions.

It can be a little tempting to make major purchases using your credit card even if you intend to file for bankruptcy. By doing this, you will be putting yourself at risk of having your petition denied. On the other hand, if your petition is accepted, the credit card debts incurred within the last one year will still have to be paid.

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