Saturday, June 15, 2013

What are the Functions of Refinancing?

By Jason Gordon

Refinancing your mortgage is normally an excellent idea but what's very important for homeowners is to have a clear understanding of what your financial objectives are. More importantly, you have to keep these objectives in mind so that you will be able to acquire the loan that's most appropriate for you. This article will look at a few of the main reasons as to why people prefer to refinance their mortgages. However, the decision on which is best based on your financial situation is still up to you.

What are the Purposes of Refinancing?

A. To safeguard a lower interest rate to create wealth faster - one of the main roles of refinancing is to decrease your existing loan's interest rate, as well as decrease the burden you face for your monthly payment. Aside from saving cash, reducing your interest rate also increases the rate at which you build equity in your home.

B. To adjust your mortgage's length - you have two options when you want to adjust your mortgage:

1. Increase the term: you can reduce the amount that you pay every month but if it will increase your mortgage's term as well as the total amount you end up paying because of the interests you incur per month

2. Reduce the term: generally, a mortgage in short-term basis signifies that you pay off your loan sooner than usual and you will face lower interest rates as you're paying higher amounts per month

C. To change from ARM to Fixed Rate Mortgage - an adjustable-rate mortgage or ARM charges payment that has no "fixed" rate because it can increase or decrease at any time. With this type of payment, your monthly payment will change as the interest rate changes.

Fixed-rate mortgage, on the other hand, is good for those who are uncomfortable with the possibility that their monthly payments could rise. It's a great idea if you think that the interest rate will increase in the future. If that's the case, it's better to switch to fixed- rate mortgage because you will have a steady rate.

If it helps you create more equity faster, shortens the term of loan, or decreases your mortgage payment refinancing can be an excellent move. Moreover, it can also be a great tool when you want to make your debt under control as long as you use it carefully. Before refinancing, you need to look at your financial situation and ask yourself how long you plan to continue living the house and know how much money you will save by refinancing.

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