Saturday, October 21, 2017

Why Everyone Needs To Donate To Poor Children In Africa

By Barbara Williams

The African continent is home to millions of people that are among the poorest in the world. Numerous innocent people starve to death, due to exposure, poor medical facilities and brutality every year. These people are not lazy or without ambition. They are simply neglected and never get the chance to achieve something in life. Millions of kids face the same dismal future and that is why it is so necessary to donate to poor children in Africa.

Millions of people all over the world have become indifferent to the plight of the African kids. They see terrible images on television and read harrowing reports in their newspapers. However, for them the African tragedy is something that has nothing to do with them and that thankful happens a very long distance away. They may spare a brief thought to the matter and they may even be fascinated by the visual impact of images showing desperately ill and hungry kids.

Not everyone is immune to the suffering on the African continent. Some prominent celebrities and even members of the British Royal family has done much to make people aware of the problem and to solicit donations that will help provide food, medicine and educational opportunities. These efforts are extremely worthwhile but it is truly only a drop in the ocean. Lasting change will require much more effort.

Sadly, many people think that you can only make a difference if you are rich or famous. They do not think that their own small contributions will achieve anything. This type of thinking is very far off the mark. Every single effort helps. When millions of people each make a small effort the end result is a massive wave of change and opportunity for those that desperately need help. This is as important, if not more important, than one or two big single efforts.

Making regular donations, even small ones, towards helping the African kids is one of the most convenient ways in which to help. It is important, however, to make donations only to organizations that are reputable and that have a proven track record for honesty and efficiency. It is unfortunate that millions of dollars have disappeared due to poor management and opportunist organizations that see charities as lucrative businesses.

Money is not the only way in which to help. There are many excellent organizations that offer youngsters the chance to travel to the African continent and to spend some time helping to educate young people, to help build houses, to construct water pipelines and a myriad of other worthwhile projects. By offering skills, time and effort it is possible to make a very real and lasting difference.

Not everyone can give money or travel to the continent. This does not mean that they cannot contribute, however. Anyone can help collecting clothes and food for distribution by bigger aid organizations. Everybody can make sure that their colleagues, family and friends remain aware of the catastrophe on the African continent. Even such small contributions are valuable and the most certainly help.

What happens on the African continent is important to the entire global community. Global warming, for example, affects everybody. Disease can spread from one continent to another in the blink of an eye. The African kids deserve help.

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