Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Tooth Fairy and Her Bill Collection Agency

By J.e. Moncrieffe

I've always had a pretty intense imagination. When I was a small child I would always come up with the most outlandish stories, but none more ridiculous than the one that I would dream about. In my twenty-seven years of living on this earth and out of all the hours I've spent sleeping and dreaming there still is one specific dream that will always stay in my head. This outrageous dream was about a bill collection agency and the tooth fairy.

I think it's safe to say that when we all were small children it was a pretty big deal if one of your teeth were to fall out. Yes it hurt for a quick second but after that it was all glory. Mom and dad were always right there to high five you and give you a great big hug, and the best part was the tooth fairy. She would fly right into your room later that night to leave you a token of her appreciation for that sweet little molar. I remember at times I would try to extract my teeth myself so I could really make some serious paper. A little bit of pain for a single tooth and for my trouble I get a little finder's fee? Sounded like a deal to me, and I was going to collect and capitalize.

I thought what if I just tried pulling out all of my teeth one by one in a single sitting. I'd have like a gazillion bone gems and the tooth fairy would have to pay me major dough! That Idea soon went out the window when I realized I wasn't brazen enough to carry out such a feat. Then it hit me, like a ton of bricks, I had just made a trip to the aquarium and on our way out we were given shark teeth as keep sakes. That was it, I was going to leave the shark teeth under my pillow and trick the tooth fairy into paying me some cold hard cash and she was never going to know the difference.

Twas the night of my carefully crafted scheme, I rounded up all of the shark teeth I could find and got ready to get this show on the road. My parents had just left the room and I jumped up to get my priceless shark tooth collection and slipped only two under my pillow. Pretty soon after I floated into dream land I awoke and it was morning. I took a fast glance under my pillow, and you guessed it, there I saw two crisp dollars bills and then I was sure this plan was going to pay off big time. This genius plan continued for some odd nights until one night there was a rather large man in a pink tutu suspended above my bed. He told me he was abill collection representative and he was there to collect the real teeth that I owed the tooth fairy.

Long story short, there was no way I was going to pull out all my teeth and hand them over to this creep. So I had to hand over all the cash I had to the "bill collector". When I awoke from this dream all I could think about was two things. One, I have the absolute weirdest dreams. Two, if everyone had a bill collector working for them, receiving payments would go a lot smoother for all parties involved.

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